Able Bodied Seaman/Lifeboatman Limited
$975 (If LB Ltd practical is needed add $225.00)
This 40 hour Able Bodied Seaman course is approved to include the Lifeboatman exam. It will cover AB rating for vessels without lifeboats. If you work on a STCW covered vessel you will need Basic Safety Training and Proficiency in Survival Craft.
This course also includes the USCG Approved practical demonstration of competency in Knot Tying and Splicing.
It states - Able Seaman course satisfies examination requirements of 46 CFR 12.405(a) for the Deck General and Navigation General, Deck Safety and Rules of the Road; AND the Practical Marlinspike Seamanship Demonstration requirement 46 CFR 12.405(c); AND the written "Survival Craft" examination requirements of 46 CFR 12.409 for any endorsement as Able Seaman restricted to vessels without lifeboats.
However, you will have to show proof of 46 CFR 12.409, General requirements for Lifeboatman-limited endorsements. 4) The practical demonstration must consist of a demonstration of the applicant's ability to - (i) Take charge of a rescue boat, liferaft, or other lifesaving apparatus during and after launch; (ii) Operate a rescue boat engine; (iii) Manage a survival craft and survivors after abandoning ship: (iv) safely recover rescue boats; (v) Use locating and communication devices.
If your vessel has a Designated Examiner aboard, that person can sign off the Lifeboatman Ltd Practical Exercise. If not, we can provide that service aboard your local vessel or one of our assets. This service is an additional $225.00.
And, request review based on criteria after March 24, 2014.
- Marlinspike Seamanship
- Shipboard Terminology
- Rules of the Road
- Aids to Navigation
- Watchstanding & Helmsman Duties
- Ship Construction
- Cargo Handling & Stowage
- Anchoring and Mooring
- Fire Firefighting
- Towing
- Deck Maintenance
- Shipboard Emergencies
- Marine Pollution
- Survival Craft Operation and Management (practical component)
Rules of the Road/Navigation: 50 questions: Need 70% or 35 correct.
Deck General and Safety: 50 questions. Need 70% or 35 correct.
Lifeboatman: 50 questions. Need 70% or 35 correct minimum passing score.
Demonstration of competency in Knot Tying and Splicing. - 10 knots in 15 minutes plus a splice and whipping. Required Knots include Bowline, Square knot, Clove Hitch, Sheet Bend plus six additional knots selected by the evaluator.
NOTE: Sea Time IS Required for this endorsement.
AB Unlimited – 1080 days deck service on Oceans or Great Lakes.
AB Limited – 540 days deck service on vessels of 100 GRT or more, not exclusive to rivers & smaller inland lakes of the U. S.
AB Special – 360 days deck service on navigable waters of the U. S.
AB OSV – 180 days deck service on navigable waters of the U. S.
AB Sail – 180 days of deck service on sailing school vessels, oceanographic research vessels powered primarily by sail or equivalent sail vessels on any navigable waters of the U. S.
AB Fishing – 180 days of deck service, not as a processor, on any navigable waters of the U.S. -“Combi” is not deck service
AB MODU – 360 days of service on vessels 65 feet or over on any navigable waters of the U.S.