The Requirements for the Ordinary Seafarer MMC are:

You can print these out and hand-write them. We will type them for submission to the NMC.

1. CG Form 719B Application: Be sure to read and accurately complete this entire form. Fill out Section I with your personal information.

Double check your mailing address, contact information, and description of endorsement(s) desired in Section II. (If CMS is completing your application, we will complete section II for you). Section III 2 & 3 must be completed by checking the applicable boxes. Any "YES" answers, see Item 2 below. Section IV 1, 2, & 3 are optional. Sign your name and date at item 5, attesting to the statements in item 4. The Oath is no longer required. If CMS is completing your application, sign & date the bottom at item 6.

2. CG Form 719C Disclosure Statement for Narcotics, DWI/DUI, and/or other convictions Application: Original Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) applicants are required to list all convictions including military court martial, driving related convictions other than minor traffic violations, and foreign court convictions. For renewals and endorsements, list all convictions not previously reported to the Coast Guard.

3. Transportation Workers Identification Card (TWIC): (For original transactions)

Provide evidence that you either hold a valid TWIC by submitting a photocopy of TWIC, front & back, OR evidence that you have applied for a TWIC and are awaiting the results by submitting a copy of the TWIC Application Receipt.

4. CG Form 719P DOT/USCG Periodic Drug Test: Drug testing is required for all original or renewal applications. We can schedule this for you.

5. CG Form 719KE Application for Merchant Mariner Medical Certificate: Submit this form if you are applying for an original Medical Certificate. You need the Food Handler endorsement. Your medical practitioner is required to complete Section II: Food Handler Certification.

8. Form I-551 Alien Registration Card: If applicable, the front and back photocopy of your form I-551

** You can print out the documents, hand-write on them and deliver to us, we’ll do all the rest.  This service is $175.00.

You can click this link to pay for the service. This must be completed to arrange an appointment with one of our Application Specialists.