Merchant Mariner Credential Application Assistance
We have the expertise to help you through the process! Basic service for New, Renewal or Upgrade credentials starts at only $175. Our Application Assistance Services will ensure your paperwork is correct and in order to avoid rejection or significant delays in your application processing at the Coast Guard National Maritime Center. (Additional services, research and document collection are billed as needed or required) Our seasoned team has more than 20 years of experience with USCG License application processing.
The following forms, if applicable to you, must be completed or emailed to us before you come in for an appointment:
Click on the form name and then download it to your computer. You can then type on the form.
OR, if you prefer, when the new window opens simply print the form and hand write on it.
CG-719B Application for Merchant Mariner Credential
CG-719C Record of Convictions (Only if needed based on your civil or criminal record)
CG-719K Physical Examination Record - Required for all Officer Licenses (OUPV, Master, Mate, etc.) Click for Detailed Instructions
CG-719KE Physical Examination Record - Entry Level Only - used for Ordinary Seafarer (OS) National Endorsement Only and no lookout duties, i.e. food handler.
CG-719P Record of Drug Testing - Form is optional unless MRO signature is not on test result or result is not provided by MRO or was not sent directly from their office.
You will need a separate form for each different vessel. You can put up to 5 years of service for the same vessel on one form.
Proof of ownership is needed if the boat is yours.
Use One of the Buttons Below for Detailed Instructions Based on MMC Application Type
Premier Occupational Health (Our preferred provider)
Any licensed physician, MD, DO, PA (Physician's Assistant) or NP (Nurse Practitioner) may perform the physical exam. This is NOT a DOT Physical and no special certifications are required.
Copy of front and back of unexpired TWIC (or receipt from application). You can pre-apply here
NOTE: You do not need a TWIC card to renew your MMC unless you work on a vessel requiring it.
Periodic drug test or waiver from a random testing consortium program – We can schedule you for the drug test. – Click Here to Request it
NEW MMC - OUPV, Mate, Master ($100 evaluation and $45 issuance = $145)
RENEWAL MMC ($50 evaluation and $45 issuance = $95)
RENEWAL WITH ANY UPGRADE ($100 evaluation and $45 issuance = $145)
NEW MMC - OS or AB ($95 evaluation and $45 issuance = $140)
NOTE: For your convenience, if we are processing your application, you can add the USCG fee to your payment to us.
OR, Pay yourself - visit www.pay.gov
You can print out the documents, hand-write on them and deliver to us, we’ll do all the rest. This service is $175.00.
You can click this link to pay for the service. This must be completed to arrange an appointment.
If we are completing your application, you can Scan & Email all documents to: Submissions@NMCApplication.com in a .pdf format (No jpg or other file types) and possibly save a trip to our office.
Feel free to call or email with any questions. 773-454-9004
When you're ready to schedule an appointment, make sure the application service fee is paid and email us.