Click on a Title below for more information on a course

Basic Boating Safety Course
This basic boating safety class will give you the knowledge needed to obtain a boat license or safety certification in many states. Most boat insurance companies will offer discounts on boating insurance to boaters who successfully complete this Safe Boating Course. For boaters of all ages.
PERFECT for young people ages 12-18 to allow them to operate a PWC in Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana & Michigan

Master Self Propelled Vessels up to 100 Gross Tons
The Master 100 GT License allows you to operate inspected and uninspected vessels up to 100 Gross Tons. This class covers the topics required for a tonnage-specific license. Depending on your sea service and vessel size, you can apply for a 25, 50, or 100 gross ton Master's license. For Inland, Great lakes & Near Coastal Waters depending on your sea time experience. 76 Classroom Hours.
All books, charts, and your own navigation tools are included.
This is a combination of the OUPV and the Master Upgrade material in a single package price. A savings of $75 when purchased at the same time!

Operator of Uninspected Passenger Vessels (OUPV)
Weekend or Weeknight Class - $975
The OUPV Inland, Great Lakes & Near Coastal (6-Pack) License lets you take 6 passengers for hire, plus crew. on your vessel. The Captain's Course is a specialized course of instruction to prepare a candidate for a position as the officer in charge of a navigational watch. Classes focus on the subjects required to take and pass the U.S. Coast Guard approved examinations leading to the insurance of the Merchant Mariner's Credential. The class may be offered as a Weekend days only option or Weeknights/Saturday morning option. 52 Classroom hours.
All books, charts, and your own navigation tools are included.

Upgrade OUPV to Master up to 100 Gross Tons
The OUPV to Master 100 GT Upgrade License allows you to operate inspected and uninspected vessels up to 100 Gross Tons. Usually taken immediately following the OUPV Course, this class covers the additional topics required for a tonnage-specific license. Depending on your sea service and vessel size, you can apply for a raise in grade to a 25, 50, or 100 gross ton Master's license. For Inland, Great lakes & Near Coastal Waters depending on your sea time experience. 24 Classroom Hours.

Upgrade an Inland or Great Lakes Scope to Near Coastal
(Up to 100 GT)
Upgrade from an Inland/Great Lakes Master's License to the Near coastal Route with this 8-hour course.

Upgrade OUPV/Master to 200 Gross Ton Mate/Master
The Mate/Master 200GT Upgrade from OUPV (6-Pack) License allows you to operate inspected and uninspected vessels up to 200 Gross Tons. Sea time determines if you are upgraded to Mate or Master. If you have time on a vessel over 67 gross tons, it is time to upgrade to Mate 200 Ton. It is an easy stepping stone toward getting your 200 Ton Master License. This course will get you a Mate's Endorsement up to 200 Tons, based on your sea service. Class is 12 hours in duration. (This course may be taken online)

Able Bodied Seaman/Lifeboatman Limited (AB)
This 40-hour Able Bodied Seaman course is approved to include the Lifeboatman exam. It will cover AB rating for vessels without lifeboats. If you work on a STCW covered vessel, you will need Basic Safety Training and Proficiency in Survival Craft. This course also includes the USCG Approved practical demonstration of competency in Knot Tying and Splicing.

Lifeboatman Limited - (PSC LTD for STCW)
This 8-hour Lifeboatman Limited course is approved for vessels without Lifeboats. This means other Lifesaving devices such as the IBA, Life Floats, or a small rescue boat, e.g. johnboat with outboard motor, etc. If you work on a STCW covered vessel, this includes PSC Limited. You may need Basic Safety Training and if the vessel IS equipped with a Lifeboat, Proficiency in Survival Craft Unlimited (PSC) is required. This course does not fill PSC Unlimited requirements.

Assistance Towing Endorsement
This assistance towing endorsement is a provision added to an OUPV or Master's license. An Assistance Towing Endorsement is designed for boat captains who would like to be able to tow disabled vessel for a fee. Captains are required by the USCG to hold an Assistance Towing Endorsement on their license to be able to assist vessels that have run aground, are disabled, or have run out of fuel.

Auxiliary Sail Endorsement
This endorsement is required by a captain in charge of an inspected sailing vessel. This means the vessel is approved to carry more than six passengers with at least one for hire.

Security Awareness Course (STCW)
All vessel personnel who do not have specific security related duties are required to have basic instruction in Maritime Security Awareness. (4 hours)

Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties (STCW)
Vessel/Facility Security Officers and personnel who do have Designated Security Duties, are required to have further instruction in Maritime Security Awareness, including development and maintenance of Security Plans. (8 hours)

Vessel/Facility Security Officer (STCW)
Vessel/Facility Security Officers and personnel who do have Designated Security Duties, are required to have further instruction in Maritime Security Awareness, including development and maintenance of Security Plans. (16 hours)

National Safety Council Standard First Aid/CPR/AED
Designed for emergency response teams, safety personnel, supervisors, individuals requiring certification and the general public, this course teaches how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants, identifying and caring for bleeding, sudden illness and injury, and preventing disease transmission. this course meets the 2015 CPR and ECC Guidelines and meets OSHA standards for first aid in the workplace.

FCC Marine Radio Operators Permit (MROP)
Prep class and Exam Proctor Session $95, Exam Proctor only $45
This course covers basic radio law and operating practices with which every maritime radio operator should be familiar. The FCC requires a Marine Radio Operator Permit to operate radio-telephone stations aboard certain vessels that sail the Great Lakes. The Marine Radio Operator Permit is also required to operate radio-telephone stations aboard vessels of more than 300 gross tons or on vessels that carry more than six passengers for hire in the open sea or any tidewater area of the U.S. You're also required to have the Marine Radio Operator Permit to operate certain aviation radio-telephone stations and certain coast radio telephone stations.

Boat Safe Chicago - Advanced Recreational Boating Course
The advanced 18 hour recreational vessel operator course. Focusing on Chicago area waterways.

Boat Safe Chicago Sail - Advanced Recreational Boating Course
The advanced 12-18 hour recreational vessel operator course. Focusing on basic and advanced sailing topics. Has a Chicago area waterway focus,